Hari ini lagi kepingin makan yang serba pedas, ada terong dan tahu di kulkas. Masaknya mau yang praktis dan tidak lama. Jadi deh resep sambal terong dan tahu ala dapur neti :D
Cara memasaknya mudah saja bunda...bagi bunda yang baru terjun ke dunia dapur mungilku, resep ini cocok deh menemani bunda sekeluarga santap siang.. biar tambah berkeringat karena pedasnya maknyoosss :D
Berikut saya sharing resepnya ya bunda...
Bahan - bahan :
- 300 gram terong ungu
- 10 buah tahu ukuran kecil
- 8 buah cabai rawit
- 10 buah cabai merah
- 6 bawang merah
- 4 siung bawang putih
- 1 buah tomat segar, potong sesuai selera
- 2 sdt garam
- 4 sdt gula pasir
- minyak sayur secukupnya
Cara Membuatnya :
- Cuci bersih 300 gram terong ungu dan 10 buah tahu ukuran kecil lalu potong sesuai selera
- Siapkan minyak sayur di dalam wajan untuk menggoreng, setelah panas goreng tahu dan terong ungu hingga tahu dan terong berwarna kecoklatan
- Giling 8 buah cabai rawit, 10 buah cabai merah, 6 bawang merah dan 4 siung bawang putih hingga benar-benar halus
- Panaskan minyak sayur beberapa sendok makan di dalam wajan lalu tumis bumbu halus hingga harum
- Tambahkan potongan tomat, garam dan gula lalu aduk rata
- Masukkan terong lalu tahu, aduk rata dan tunggu sebentar hingga bumbu meresap
- Setelah meresap, angkat dan hidangkan
Sesekali hidangan yang pedas memang terasa menggugah selera makan agar bertambah. Tetapi jangan terlalu sering ya bunda.. kasihan lihat ususnya ( di paksa olahraga berat karena pedasnya :D )
Resep berikut tidak diperuntukkan untuk si kecil ya bunda...kasihan nanti kepedasan. So, Enjoy Your Cooking Mom :D
Eggplant And Tofu Chili Recipe
Today I want to eat spicy paced, there are eggplant and tofu in the fridge. Cook wants a practical and not long, be recipe chili eggplant and tofu-style kitchen neti : D
How to cook easy ... for your new foray into the world my little kitchen, this recipe is suitable to accompany your family lunch .. let me add sweating because of spiciness, who would dare? : D
Here I am sharing the recipe ...
Ingredients :
- 300 grams of eggplant purple
- 10 pieces of tofu small size
- 8 pieces of cayenne pepper
- 10 red chilies
- 6 cloves of onions
- 4 cloves of garlic
- 1 piece of fresh tomatoes, cut to taste
- 2 tsp salt
- 4 tsp sugar
- vegetable oil to taste
How To Make :
- Rinse 300 grams of eggplant purple and 10 pieces of tofu then cut to taste
- Prepare the vegetable oil in a skillet for frying. Once hot, fried tofu and eggplant purple until lightly browned tofu and eggplant
- Milled 8 pieces cayenne pepper, red chilies 10, 6 cloves of onion and 4 cloves of garlic until completely smooth
- Heat a few tablespoons of vegetable oil in a wok and stir-fry until fragrant spices
- Add chunks of tomato, salt and sugar and mix well
- Enter the eggplant and tofu, stir and wait for a while until the spices to infuse
- After pervasive, lift and serve
Occasional spicy dish it feels arouse your appetite. But not too often .. pity see his intestines ( in forced strenuous exercise because of spiciness : D )
The following recipe is not intended for children ...sorry later spiciness. So, Enjoy Your Cooking Mom : D
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