Kentang dapat diolah menjadi berbagai macam jenis hidangan, salah satunya adalah kue bingka kentang. Cara mengolah kue ini tidak terlalu sulit, sama seperti resep bolu kemojo di dalam artikel sebelumnya. Tidak memerlukan mixer dalam proses pembuatannya menjadikan kue ini menjadi salah satu andalan saya untuk membuat camilan di rumah.
Saya biasanya sangat santai dalam mengerjakannya. Misalnya bahan-bahan yang perlu direbus seperti kentang dan santan sudah saya kerjakan 1 hari sebelumnya, lalu keesokannya baru saya eksekusi semua bahan-bahannya. Tinggal dicampur dan diaduk rata, lalu panggang dan tunggu sembari menonton video-video resep kesukaaan saya :D
Pokoknya sangat mudah untuk di coba di rumah ya bund....dan tentunya tanpa gagal hehehe :D
Bahan - bahan :
- 500 gram kentang
- 150 gram tepung terigu
- 4 butir telur
- 150 gram gula pasir
- 3 gelas santan kental
- 1 sdt garam
- 1 sdt vanili
Cara membuatnya :
- Bersihkan dan kupas 500 gram kentang, lalu di rebus atau dikukus hingga benar-benar lembut kemudian haluskan menggunakan garpu atau food processor
- Masak 3 gelas santan kental sambil terus diaduk hingga mendidih lalu angkat, sisihkan dan dinginkan
- Campurkan 150 gram tepung terigu sedikit demi sedikit ke dalam kentang yang sudah dihaluskan, hingga benar-benar rata
- Kocok lepas 4 butir telur ayam dan masukkan sedikit demi sedikit ke dalam adonan kentang dan tepung, aduk rata
- Masukkan 3 gelas santan kental sedikit demi sedikit bersama 150 gram gula pasir, tambahkan 1 sdt garam dan 1 sdt vanili
- Panaskan oven hingga 170 derajat celsius, semir loyang persegi dengan margarin secukupnya
- Tuang adonan bingka ke dalam loyang lalu panggang selama 1 jam atau lebih hingga matang dan permukaannya berwarna kuning kecoklatan
- Angkat dan biarkan hingga benar-benar dingin lalu potong sesuai selera dan sajikan
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Bingka kentang |
Karena kue akan rusak dan sulit di pindahkan ke piring saji karena teksturnya yang sangat lembut ketika panas, jadi harus menunggu sampai kue benar-benar dingin. So, Enjoy Your Cooking Mom :D
Bingka Potato Cake Recipe
Potatoes can be processed into various types of dishes, one of which is bingka potato cake. How to cook this cake is not too difficult, just as kemojo cake recipe in the previous article. Does not require a mixer in the process of making it, this cake into one of my favourite cake to make a snack at home.
I am usually very relaxed in doing it. For example, the ingredients that need to be boiled like potatoes and coconut milk I have done 1 day before, then I cook all of ingredients in the next day. Stay mixed and stirred evenly, bake and wait while I watch the videos of recipes that I like : D
Anyway very easy to try at home .... and of course without fail hehehe : D
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potato cake |
Here are the ingredients and how to make
Ingredients :
- 500 grams of potatoes
- 150 grams of wheat flour
- 4 eggs
- 150 grams of sugar
- 3 cups coconut milk
- 1 tsp salt
- 1 tsp vanilla
How to make :
- Clean and peel of 500 grams of potatoes, boiled or steamed until really soft and then puree using a fork or food processor
- Cook 3 cups coconut milk, stirring constantly until boiling then remove, set aside and let it cool
- Mix 150 grams of wheat flour little by little into the mashed potatoes, until completely flat
- Beat 4 eggs separated and enter gradually into the potato dough and flour, stir
- Enter the 3 cups coconut milk little by little along with 150 grams of sugar, add 1 teaspoon of salt and 1 teaspoon vanilla
- Preheat oven to 170 degrees Celsius, polish square baking pan with margarine taste
- Pour bingka batter into the pan and bake for 1 hour or more until cooked and brownish yellow surface
- Remove and leave to cool completely then cut to taste and serve
To cut and serving the cake bingka potatoes should wait until the cake is completely cold ,,, so easy for you when replace it from the pan to a serving plate.
Because the cake will be broken and hard on the move to a serving dish because the texture is very soft when hot, so had to wait until the cake completely cold. So, Enjoy Your Cooking Mom : D
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